Board of Directors

Shareholdings are correct as of December 31 2024, and are updated every year.

Luca Di Stefano

Chairman of the board since 2024

Luca Di Stefano


Chairman of the board since 2024
Board member since 2024

Born: 1978

Education and experience: Luca holds a degree in Market Economy from Frans Schartau Business Institute and International Relations from Stockholm University. Luca is an investor, Board professional, and founder of several companies in media and IT. Since 2017, also held an active role as CEO/operational manager and Board member of several growth companies. Most recently, he was co-owner and CEO of the digital marketing agency Brandson AB, which was later acquired by Defiso Media AB. Luca is currently responsible for the Swedish investment company Molcap and oversees their unlisted portfolio.

Current assignments: Chairman of the board of Refine Group AB and Gavald Holdings. Board member of  Tellusgruppen AB,  Upgrade Invest Nordic AB, XLNT group AB, Mresell Group AB, Hamax Holding AB and Cazzosa Capital.

Previous assignments: Storage 365, Spacett and Brandson.

Own and/or related parties’ holdings in the company: Holds no shares or warrants.

Independent of the company and the management, but not in relation to major shareholders of the company.

Jakob Bendtsen

Board member since 2024

Jakob Bendtsen

Board member since 2024​


Education and experience: Jakob holds and academic audit and accounting degree from Copenhagen Business School in Denmark. He has worked over 25 years in the audit, accounting, tax advisory and general consulting sector. Jakob has previously held senior financial and accounting roles in various companies in Denmark and US. He was previously a Board member of the Danish companies Rovsing A/S and Nordic Compound Invest A/S.
Board director and CEO in the Danish company Strategic Partners A/S as well as CEO in Cewijo ApS.

Current assignments: Board director Strategic Partners A/S.

Previous assignments: Board member of Rovsing A/S and Nordic Compound Invest A/S.

Own and/or related parties’ holdings in the company: Holds no shares or warrants.

Independent of the company and the management, independent of the major owners of the company.

Marcus Isaksson

Board member since 2024

Marcus Isaksson

Board member since 2024

Born: 1972

Education and experience: Marcus holds an academic degree in business administration with a specialization in finance from Stockholm University. He has over 25 years of extensive experience in the banking and venture capital sectors, ranging from working with large listed companies at Nordea to supporting startups through his role at Partnerinvest. Markus is CEO, co-owner and board member of Thoren Tillväxt AB. 
From 2010 to 2016, Marcus served as an Investment Manager at Partnerinvest, where he specialized in investments, fundraising, and divestitures in owner-led startups across various industries.

Current assignments: Board Member of Thoren Tillväxt AB and Ledyer AB. Chairman of the Board of NELAB Invest AB.

Previous assignments:  Board Member at Tanomed AB (acquired by Karo Bio) and Evosport AB (acquired by WeSport).

Own and/or related parties’ holdings in the company: Indirect holding through Thoren Tillväxt AB 494 894 shares.

Independent in relation to the Company and its senior management but not in relation to major shareholders.

Lars Thunberg

Deputy Board member since 2024

Lars Thunberg

Deputy Board member since 2024

Born: 1966

Education and experience: Lars holds an academic degree in business administration from Lunds University. He has over 30 years of experience in finance and company development. He has worked for NGM Stock market, consultant to start ups. He also has working experience as business developer and as a board professional. Lars was one of the founders to CombiGene 2004. Lars also founded VA Automotive Groupe, 2008-2018, the company was listed at First North. Lars have international experience from working in Hong Kong, China and Europe.

Current assignments: Chairman, CEO and Board Member of VA Components, M & L Industriförvaltning, Board Member in PR Development and Casator.

Previous assignments: Chairman, Board Member and CEO in CombiGene, aXimed, aXichem, VA Automotive Groupe and Panion Animal Health. Board member in Kristianstad University Holding and Kristianstad University Uppdrag. And many more small companies.

Own and/or related parties’ holdings in the company: Indirect holding through M & L Industriförvaltning AB 650 000 shares.

Independent of the company and the management, independent of the major owners of the company.

Senior executives

CombiGene’s senior executives are the Company’s CEO Peter Ekolind, the Company’s Chief Scientific Officer Annika Ericsson and the Company’s Chief Financial Officer Louise Aspenberg. The senior executives are listed below with information about year of birth, when they took office, experience, current and previous assignments over the last five years, other companies in which they are active and holdings in the Company. “Holdings in the Company” refer to own and/or related parties’ holdings.

Peter Ekolind


Peter Ekolind

CEO since 2023. (Born 1964) Education and experience: Peter Ekolind is a registered nurse, a certified market economist and holds an Executive MBA from the School of Economics at Lund University. He has many years of broad experience in marketing, sales and leadership from several global pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical technology companies in various senior roles. Among other things, he has been managing director of Getinge Sweden and Avidicare. In recent years, the focus has been on work in smaller start-ups.

Current assignments: Board member of Panion Animal Health AB and CombiGene Personal AB.

Previous assignments during the last five years: COO Xintela AB, Board member Nordic Gamekeeper Holding AB, senior management consultant in NordiCare AB, Interim CEO of Targinta AB and COO of CombiGene.

Owner and active in the following companies: Pekoli AB.

Own and/or related parties’ holdings in the Company: 43 811 shares.

Annika Ericsson

Chief Scientific Officer

Annika Ericsson

Chief Scientific Officer since 2024.

Education and experience: Annika Ericsson holds a PhD in medical biochemistry from Karolinska Institutet. Her thesis topic concerned enzyme and gene therapy for acute intermittent porphyria. She has postdoc experience from Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York and 17 years of experience in the biotech industry, having worked with Zymenex A/S and Chiesi. There she has worked laboratory with the development and upscaling of production processes for protein drugs and been project manager for preclinical studies in various lysosomal diseases. Annika has broad experience of planning, organizing and conducting large research projects.

Louise Aspenberg

Chief Financial Officer

Louise Aspenberg

Chief Financial Officer since 2020. (Born 1976)
Education and experience: Louise Aspenberg has completed the International Economics Programme at Örebro University. Louise is an experienced economist with broad experience from financial and economic tasks. Louise has worked at Relation & Brand, which during the years 2006-2013 was listed on Aktietorget (now Spotlight Stock Market). Louise has a solid knowledge in consolidated financial statements and financial reporting for public companies.

No current assignments.
No previous assignments over the last five years.
She has been neither owner nor active in any companies over the last five years.
Own and/or related parties’ holdings in the Company: No holdings in shares or warrants.