Share rights issue 2017

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CombiGene: announces its intention to offer shareholders the opportunity to subscribe for preference shares. An extraordinary meeting of shareholders in CombiGene AB (publ) (“CombiGene” or “the Company”) voted on 26 January 2017 to carry out a new share issue with preferential rights for the Company’s shareholders for a total amount of approximately MSEK 14.2 (“the Offer”). Shareholders who, as of record day 2 February 2017, hold shares in CombiGene receive (1) subscription right per share. Five (5) subscription rights entitle the holder to subscription for two (2) new shares at a subscription price of SEK 3.00 per share. The subscription period is from 6 February 2017 through 20 February 2017. Via the Offer, the Company’s share capital may increase by at most SEK 472,063,70 to SEK 1, 652,223. The total number of shares may increase by at most 4,720,637 shares to 16,552,230 shares. Under the Offer, a public offer for subscription for shares without subscription rights will also be made. The Company has received subscription commitments and guarantee undertakings corresponding to 80.5 percent of the rights issue.

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Combigene AB, Medicon Village, SE-223-81 Lund, Visiting adress: Scheelevägen 2, Lund, Sweden

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