Record date for reverse share split in CombiGene

The Board of Directors of CombiGene AB (publ) (“CombiGene”) has resolved that the record date for the reverse share split shall be 8 June. Through the reverse share split, twenty (20) existing shares will be consolidated into one (1) new share.
Reverse share split
At the Annual General Meeting of CombiGene on 25 May 2021 a reverse share split was resolved upon, whereby twenty (20) existing shares will be consolidated into one (1) new share. In order to enable the reverse share split, it was also resolved to amend the articles of association’s limits on the number of shares and the share capital. The Swedish Companies Registration Office has registered these decisions.
The shareholders’ of CombiGene do not need to take any measures to participate in the reverse share split. Shareholders will automatically receive a new, lower, number of shares in proportion to their holding on the record date on 8 June. Shareholders whose holding of shares on the record date is not evenly divisible with the consolidation quota twenty (20) will receive shares free of charge through a company wholly owned by Peter Nilsson in order for the holding to be evenly divisible.
Through the reverse share split, the number of shares in CombiGene decreases from 396,023,950 to 19,801,197, with a quota value of approximately SEK 2 per share until the reduction of the share capital is executed, which is expected to take place in August 2021, after which each share has a quota value of SEK 0.05. 
As a result of the reverse share split, the ISIN code of the CombiGene share will change. As of 7 June, the share will trade with the new ISIN code SE0016101935.
The following timetable applies for the reverse share split. 

Date Measure
4 June Last day of trading in CombiGene’s share before the reverse share split.
7 June First day of trading in CombiGene’s share after the reverse share split. As of this date, the share price reflects the effect of the reverse share split and the CombiGene share will trade with the new ISIN code SE0016101935.
8 June The record date for the reverse share split.

Vator Securities AB is issuing agent and Fredersen Advokatbyrå AB is legal advisor to CombiGene in connection with the reverse share split.
