Advanced medicines – often called ATMP (Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products) – such as gene therapy and cell therapy have the potential to revolutionize the care of seriously ill patients. This task is, of course, not easy. It takes a wide range of expertise and resources to be successful. The Swedish government’s stated goal is to make Sweden a leading nation in the field of ATMP. An expression of this ambition is the newly formed CCRM Nordic AB, which will coordinate a new national cluster for the commercialization of advanced therapies based on a successful Canadian model.

CCRM Nordic will establish a national infrastructure for the development, manufacturing, and commercialization of ATMPs, and will be available to stakeholders from academia and industry as well as the healthcare sector. The initiative has strong support from the industry with large Swedish ATMP organizations such as AstraZeneca, CombiGene, Cytiva, Getinge, Takara Bio Europe, TATAA Biocenter and Verigraft as well as local innovation actors such as GoCo Health Innovation City and GU Ventures and Sweden’s innovation agency Vinnova.
The Chairman of the Board of CCRM Nordic AB is CombiGene’s CEO Jan Nilsson.
Genevägen contacted Jan for a comment
“It is very honoring to have been elected Chairman of the Board of CCRM Nordic. Above all, I see it as recognition of the work that CombiGene has done over many years. Through the development of our projects, not least the epilepsy project CG01, we have gain solid competence in and extensive experience of the areas that CCRM Nordic will work with. We are very proud to be part of this very important initiative together with prominent colleagues such as AstraZeneca, Cytiva, Getinge, GoCo Health Innovation City, Takara Bio Europe, Tataa Biocenter and Verigraft,” says Jan Nilsson.
CCRM Nordic meets the assignment from the Swedish government to establish a hub for the commercialization of ATMP and will complement and collaborate with existing public-private partnerships. CCRM Nordic will play an important role in laying the foundation for a thriving Nordic ATMP industry that will transform the outstanding research in the field into products that can change the lives of patients all over the world.
About CCRM Nordic
CCRM Nordic is a not-for-profit infrastructure for commercialization of advanced therapies based on the Canadian model and formed as a public private partnership backed by an industry consortium and the Swedish Innovation agency Vinnova. CCRM Nordic will accelerate commercialization of ATMPs and related technologies by providing specialized expertise and infrastructure. Our ambition is to collaborate with our Nordic neighbors as well as being part of the CCRM Global international networks of hubs. CCRM Global is an alliance of international hubs operating to coordinate and optimize opportunities in the field of cell and gene therapies and regenerative medicine-based technologies. The CCRM Nordic Board of Director members are starting with chair: Jan Nilsson, CombiGene; Lennart Johansson, Investor/Patricia Industries; Catarina Flyborg, Cytiva; Regina Fritsche Danielson, AZ; Carl-Peter Mattsson, GU Ventures, Michael May, CCRM.